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The Main Differences Between Male And Female Psychopaths

The Main Differences Between Male And Female Psychopaths


The Main Differences Between Male And Female Psychopaths

Psychopaths are just around everywhere, and of one notices carefully, one can become conclusive of their behaviour. It is said that more number of men are in the psychopath bracket than the women. They are often people who seek thrill in their life, which leads them to the prison – and most of the people […]

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Psychopaths are just around everywhere, and of one notices carefully, one can become conclusive of their behaviour. It is said that more number of men are in the psychopath bracket than the women. They are often people who seek thrill in their life, which leads them to the prison – and most of the people caught again turn out to be males. There are significant differences in how the males and the females behave when considering psychopath behaviour.

There have been quite a number of studies which have suggested that the male psychopaths are more aggressive, while the female ones are more manipulative. About 1% of the people being in this bracket, and study say that women use flirtatious behavior to manipulate the men. Men on the other hand commit more numbers of frauds, while females have anxiety disorders.

Study of the Brain

The amygdala is the seat of emotions and this area in psychopaths is 18% smaller. Thus a moral decision is often not taken at all for a psychopath. People who tend to be abused in their earlier years turn out to be this way.

Even studies have shown that most female serial killers are from upper classes of the society. And most of them even have a college degree. They also seemed to have known their victims, wherein 44% were their own children.

It is also a myth that most psychopaths are interested in only brutal murders, because most of them are simply thrill seeking, says Raine, s professor of criminology at the University of Pennsylvania.

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