7 Pregnancy Tips That Every Mother Should Follow
The feeling you get when you first hear the news,
Congratulations, you are about to be a mother!
Voila, everything around you seems to change. That single word mother is enough to give you a sense of excitement. Suddenly, you feel like smiling, running around, yelling and dancing, you will be a mother.
Yes, that’s what every “about to be” Mothers feel. And this isn’t just for the first-timers. Each and every pregnancy comes with a pinch of surprise.
Ok, ok, we get your excitement but hold on. It’s just the first day and you have nine-long months, before the D-Day. Now, that’s a huge journey to set foot on. Where every day would bring in a new feeling, you need to be very cautious about how to walk, talk, eat or drive. As days pass, the baby would start taking its shape, all set to step in the new world.
Till then, it’s you who need to take care of your infant. She resides within you, the safest place on earth, she knows she is secured and it’s your job to take all measures and live up to her.
No doubt, everybody around you has their own list of advice. Suddenly, everyone has turned out to be a doctor, some act like a gynaecologist, some are your nutritionist, some would hint you on mental health and others are the general physician, totally relatable.
But don’t get swayed off by all that you hear. They apparently are not baby experts and might not provide the right piece of advice. To stay on the safer side, adhere to what your certified gynaecologist said or recommended. Apart from that, if you still have your doubts, let us help you out.
7 Tips For Our Mom’s To Be
So, moms ready for the ride?
Even if you aren’t, don’t worry. Here, we have highlighted the few do’s and don’ts you need to follow when you are expecting. Without blabbering much, let’s see what’s in the bag?
Rule 1: Prenatal Vitamins
Whether it is your first trimester or the second, the moment you finish with the piece, make sure you have your set of prenatal vitamins in hand. They are a must both for you and your baby. In case, your doctor hasn’t yet given one, place a call and ask them why?
Rule 2: Deal With STDs
Even if you have already conceived, connect with your doctor and seek a medical checkup against STDs or STIs. Women that have untreated gonorrhoea while they are pregnant are at higher risk of miscarriage.
Rule 3: Say No To Alcohol
Stop it today. In fact, you should have done that long before. Nevertheless, you have life within you and these can be treacherous to their health. No smoking or drinking, at least not until your baby has taken birth.
Rule 4: Eating Right
Definitely, mothers turn a sweet tooth when pregnant but wait, too much is bad for your health. Your mood swings might cause growth swings for your baby. This is the time when you need to think more about the infant. Get in touch with a dietician or a nutritionist and have a chart prepared for what to eat and what not to consume.
Rule 5: Pre-Birth Vaccines
Yes, pre-birth. Of course, there would be a dozen after the baby is born, but there are certain ones that need to be given before birth. Pregnant women are exposed to the risk of flu which might be fatal for the baby. Talk to your doctor about this and make sure you have had all of them.
Rule 6: Rest Doesn’t Mean Laying On Bed
Yes, people will tell you don’t work, take rest. That’s true only if you have severe complications in your pregnancy, if not, do not hesitate to work out, let alone carry your everyday work. Ok, now don’t hit the gym and start lifting dumbles. By workout, we mean calculated exercises, best consult with a health expert for the same.
Rule 7: Comfort
Now this may be off track but knowing that you are a woman and you are pregnant, you are about to gain weight and that will possibly worry you. This is generic, you can feel free to stand in front of the mirror and see your tummy bulge out what’s not okay is to find yourself uncomfortable. You might increase in a size one or two but that’s fine and do not stress yourself with it.
Final Word
Though the list can extend to hundreds of bits of advice, these were the seven most important things you need to take care of you while the child breathes within.
Oh yes, congratulations you are about to be a mom!