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Are Driverless Cars Threatening the Flight Industry?

Are Driverless Cars Threatening the Flight Industry


Are Driverless Cars Threatening the Flight Industry?

We all love a good drive, well, most of us anyway. A study shows that 70 percent Americans would love to drive somewhere to our destination if time permitted. There also needs to be the calculation of the strain that befalls on a person driving for long distance.  Driverless cars become more capable and more […]

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We all love a good drive, well, most of us anyway. A study shows that 70 percent Americans would love to drive somewhere to our destination if time permitted. There also needs to be the calculation of the strain that befalls on a person driving for long distance.  Driverless cars become more capable and more common, they will change people’s travel habits not only around their own communities but across much larger distances. Our research has revealed just how much people’s travel preferences could shift, and found a new potential challenge to the airline industry.

Imagine someone who lives in Atlanta and needs to travel to Washington, D.C., for business. This is about a 10-hour drive. A flight takes about two hours, assuming no delays. Add to that the drive to the airport, checking in, the security line and waiting at the gate. Upon arrival in D.C., it may take another 30 minutes to pick up any checked bags and find a rental car – and even more time to drive to the specific destination.

The average person would estimate a total travel time of four to five fours. Most people would choose to fly instead of driving themselves. However the strain of driving and renting a driver are the only two road blocks to the plan. With driverless cars, this plan has become a reality. And the best part, it is cheaper than flights, less strenuous and no jetlag. Also, you can go for the drive anytime you want, and you don’t need to plan an entire schedule depending on your flight

These driverless cars will calculate the road conditions, take you through easily and will help you have a nice comfortable drive instead of having to rush for a flight. You don’t need to worry about weighing your luggage or sorting your items for a security check.

Looks like the future of comfort is here and it could hit the majestic airline sector pretty much. The airline sector has to revamp and be ready to meet the challenge. Of course, long distances will be a problem if time constraints are there. But driverless cars are indeed a good choice. Here’s to going back on road trips!

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