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7 Unknown Facts About the Prime Minister of India

Prime Minister of India


7 Unknown Facts About the Prime Minister of India

7 Unknown Facts About the Prime Minister of India

Reading Time: 3 Minutes

The Prime Minister of India holds the highest executive office in the country, playing a pivotal role in the nation’s governance and political landscape. While much is known about their public duties and responsibilities, several lesser-known facts about the Prime Minister of India might surprise you. Here are seven intriguing facts that shed light on different aspects of this prestigious position.

1. The Prime Minister’s Official Residence is Named After a Mughal Emperor

The official residence of the Prime Minister of India, located at 7, Lok Kalyan Marg (formerly known as Race Course Road) in New Delhi, is often referred to as the “PM’s Residence.” Interestingly, the address was renamed in 2016 to honor the welfare (“Lok Kalyan”) of the people, reflecting the ideals of governance. The complex includes the Prime Minister’s residence, office, and security facilities.

Why This Is Interesting:

  • Cultural Heritage: The name change highlights a blend of modern governance and historical significance.
  • Security and Symbolism: The residence is a secure and symbolic center of India’s executive power.

2. The First Prime Minister Did Not Have a Deputy Prime Minister

India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, served from 1947 to 1964 without appointing a Deputy Prime Minister. It was not until later years that the role of Deputy Prime Minister was established, often to accommodate senior leaders within the ruling party.

Why This Is Interesting:

  • Leadership Style: Reflects Nehru’s leadership approach and his central role in the initial years of independent India.
  • Political Dynamics: Highlights the evolution of political roles and responsibilities in Indian governance.

3. Prime Ministerial Visits Abroad Were Limited in the Early Years

In the early decades after independence, foreign visits by the Prime Minister of India were relatively infrequent compared to the extensive diplomatic travels seen today. This was partly due to limited resources and the focus on nation-building within India.

Why This Is Interesting:

  • Diplomatic Evolution: Shows the shift in India’s international engagement over the years.
  • Focus on Domestic Issues: Emphasizes the initial priority on internal development and stabilization.

4. The Longest-Serving Prime Minister

Jawaharlal Nehru holds the record for the longest continuous term as Prime Minister of India, serving for 17 years from 1947 until he died in 1964. His tenure laid the foundation for modern India’s political and economic framework.

Why This Is Interesting:

  • Historical Impact: Nehru’s policies and vision had a lasting impact on India’s development.
  • Leadership Legacy: His long tenure provided stability and continuity in the early years of the Republic.

5. The Prime Minister’s Role in National Emergency

The Prime Minister of India has the constitutional power to recommend the imposition of a National Emergency, as seen during the Emergency period from 1975 to 1977 under Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. This period is one of the most controversial and debated episodes in Indian political history.

Why This Is Interesting:

  • Constitutional Powers: Highlights the significant authority vested in the Prime Minister.
  • Historical Controversy: The Emergency period remains a critical study in the balance of power and civil liberties.

6. The Prime Minister’s Connection to Science and Technology

Several Prime Ministers have had a significant impact on India’s scientific and technological advancements. For instance, Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi was known for his push towards modernization and the introduction of computers in India during the 1980s.

Why This Is Interesting:

  • Modernization Efforts: Showcases the role of the Prime Minister in driving technological progress.
  • Economic Impact: The policies led to substantial growth in India’s IT and tech sectors.

7. The Youngest and Oldest Prime Ministers

Rajiv Gandhi became the youngest Prime Minister of India at the age of 40, following the assassination of his mother, Indira Gandhi, in 1984. In contrast, Morarji Desai, who became Prime Minister in 1977, was the oldest at the age of 81.

Why This Is Interesting:

  • Age and Leadership: Highlights the diversity in age and experience among India’s Prime Ministers.
  • Varied Perspectives: The wide age range reflects the different perspectives and approaches to governance.


The role of the Prime Minister of India is both complex and dynamic, influenced by the nation’s history, politics, and evolving challenges. These seven unknown facts about the Prime Minister of India offer a glimpse into the multifaceted nature of this high office and the individuals who have shaped the country’s destiny. Understanding these aspects not only enriches our knowledge of Indian politics but also highlights the importance of leadership in national development.

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