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Ginger Can Help in Reducing Cancer Cells Without Affecting Normal Healthy Cells

Ginger Can Help in Reducing Cancer Cells Without Affecting Normal Healthy Cells - 2


Ginger Can Help in Reducing Cancer Cells Without Affecting Normal Healthy Cells

Ginger is a natural food additive that has been part of the human diet for many years. And it seems like it will play a very important role too. In a Georgia State University study on the effects of ginger extract on living cells, researchers found that ginger extract induced growth-inhibition and death on cancerous […]

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Ginger is a natural food additive that has been part of the human diet for many years. And it seems like it will play a very important role too. In a Georgia State University study on the effects of ginger extract on living cells, researchers found that ginger extract induced growth-inhibition and death on cancerous cells, while leaving the healthy cells alone.

Ginger was found to have virtually no side effects, which separates it from modern-day chemotherapy.  Some forms of chemotherapy have actually been found to increase the rate of metastasis, causing cancer to appear in other organs that were unrelated to the organ being treated. But ginger has shown good trustworthy results.

Ginger Can Help in Reducing Cancer Cells Without Affecting Normal Healthy Cells

At George State, the researchers found that ginger extract shrunk prostate tumors in mice by 56%, while reducing inflammation and providing anti-oxidants.

This study comes in addition to 17 other studies linking ginger to anti-cancer benefits.  The plant has also been subjected to peer-reviewed studies that link it to healing when dealing with over 101 other diseases. Thus keep having more and more ginger and take care of your health.

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